Saturday, September 20, 2008
Movie Editing Updates (5:13 and The Joshua Tapes)
It’s been crazy busy on the Chaos Created front over the past few weeks, and there’s lots of exciting projects in the pipe line. We’re cutting the trailer for 5:13 over the weekend. I was hoping to have some video blogs for you on this one, but there’s been all sorts of issues with codecs, editing software and formats, that it’s been a little bit crazy. I’ll blog on this at some point in the near future, but I guess the down side of using the latest technology is that you’re often in uncharted waters – that’s certainly been the case here, with all sorts of issues early on in the edit, typically regarding brand new camera, the format they output to, incompatibility between PCs and Macs, codecs, how editing software handles file formats… You name it, we’ve come across it. And of course, using the latest technology means that there’s very little documentation out there (even on the interweb). The end result is that we’re using a Sony Vegas suite now, and the edit is running smoothly at long last. In fact, we’re about two scenes away from having the first rough cut of the film (minus sound treatment), which is pretty exciting. Sony Vegas itself is rather new (relatively speaking), and certainly not nearly as well known as, say, Final Cut, Adobe Premiere and Avid. But, rather oddly, it’s the only suite that’s been capable of handling what we’re throwing at it. It’s audio facilities, incidentally, outclass any editing suite I’ve come across, which – seeing as we’re working on a horror film, warrants its usage alone. It’s also creeping its way up the Hollywood ladder at the moment. For me, the way it has allowed me to cut in HD without the need for rendering, and to run with such a smooth frame rate on an external monitor, has been a treat. The edit on the Joshua Tapes will be starting the week after next, so hopefully, now that we’ve ironed out the teething problems with 5:13, there should be a bit more time on The Joshua Tapes to write about the processes involved. Anyway, expect the trailers on both films within the next few weeks. The marketing is being discussed at the moment – I think the plan is to launch the viral sites very early next year. Labels: 5:13, Blog, Films, The Joshua Tapes |
Chaos Created based in Portishead, Bristol, offers web site design servces, search engine optimisation, mobile app development, film production and editing services and more.
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