Monday, January 19, 2009
Arivind Abraham (.com)
Another of our web projects went live over the weekend. is the home to, funnily enough, Arivind Abraham – a writer and director, based in London. He’s actually the writer/director for the two film projects I’m currently editing on though Chaos Created/Befour, 5:13 and The Joshua Tapes. The web site, itself, was a bit of a challenge and we’ve incorporated Flash and Silverlight (tied together with a bit of JavaScript) to deliver trailers and film content in high definition. And we’ve made the most of social networking, bringing together a blog, Twitter, Linked In, Flickr, Windows Live, Friendfeed and 12 Seconds to make the most of social networking. We’ll be adding to these in the coming months, to build a bit of a community, and we’ll pick up some traction as we go into marketing the forthcoming movies too. Anyway, be sure to check it out. There’s also a lot of content on there, particularly on the Blog, as to the work that’s progressing on both 5:13 and The Joshua Tapes. Labels: Blog, News, Web Design Wednesday, January 14, 2009
i-board Launches New Online Player for Interactive Educational Content
Today, i-board is launching a new “player” for its online educational content. The new player replaces the old web-page based system with a new Flash interface that allows easy browsing (and searching) of all the interactive content we’ve produced over the last few years, including the Numeracy project which I’ve been working on over the last year or so. The player allows iTunes-like purchasing and Zune-like subscriptions to individual activities, packs of activities, or entire subject areas. The player is being revealed today at BETT (I’m hoping to get along later in the week) and can be previewed live today at Whilst you’re there, highlights of work that I’ve been producing for iBoard, through Chaos Created, over the last few years include Chicken Catapult, the NGFL Cymru sectionand the majority of the Numeracy area. Have fun! The content, although designed with interactive whiteboards in mind, works just as well with a PC and mouse. Labels: Blog, News, Numeracy by i-board, Software Thursday, January 8, 2009
Stoned Boutique Online Store goes Live!
The second of our recent “Online Store” projects has just gone live (the first being iCandy Gifts, which we’ve just spruced up for Valentines Day), redeveloping Stoned Boutique’s web site. We were brought it to redevelop Stoned Boutique’s online store to make it searchable, introduce categories, and make the whole site user friendly – for example, making new items easier to find, and highlighting promotions and sale items. Their old online store was maintained by their designer, which meant they had to pay their previous company for each update (including the addition or modification of new items of clothing). Our new online store for Stoned Boutique allows them to update the site themselves, as their stock changes and they bring in new designs, and they’re using the system as a reliable way to maintain stock levels too for when they sell offline. Style wise, we wanted something eye catching and recognisable, and also something which we can develop into a brand that we can incorporate into their Flash portfolio site which should be launching in February. The web site can be found at – take a look! Labels: Blog, News, Web Design |
Chaos Created based in Portishead, Bristol, offers web site design servces, search engine optimisation, mobile app development, film production and editing services and more.
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